This site is run by Adrian P. Kezele from Croatia, Europe, a long time lover of sports and physical activity, a passionate and dedicated windsurfer. When he is not on the water, Adrian writes books, performs as a stand up philosopher, talks, writes and tweets about life, mind, body and soul.
From 2006. to 2012. a lot of articles about (soul)windsurfing was published in a different on-line format. The archive was available until August 2013., but not any more. However, the core articles are saved and published also here.
Below you may find short descriptions and direct links to selected articles about the idea of "soulwindsurfing". Enjoy!
Soulwindsurf, yoga, meditation and competition
Windsurfers are inclined to understand what is the "soul" component in their sport. It's natural to them to enjoy in it, to feel connected to nature and to be lost in the incredible "flow feeling". However, competitive windsurfers (and other athletes) sometimes think that, if they start to pursue "soul" feelings, that they will lost the edge – literary, that they will have to abandon competition.
In this article, I would like to convince you that this is not true! You can be a soulwindsurfer and, in the same time, very successful athlete. Actually, there is a chance that soul approach will help you improve your results on the sport battlefield! Read more.
Did you ever meet a windsurfer on anti-depressants?
I greatly enjoyed reading one unusual and rare text: a thesis presented in a partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Visual and Material Culture. Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand, by Peter Francis Wilkinson.
It is a 117 page text, with a lot of science staff, but written well and interesting enough for an average windsurfer to read. The question from the title of this article is from one of the chapters of Wilkinson paper entitled equally interesting: "Who needs money when you can go windsurfing? – The Paradox of Resisting Consumerism Through Consumption in a Lifestyle Sport Subculture".
Fist, I have to say that every (soul)windsurfer will easily recognise the basic description of his or hers obsession with wind. But, how many did think about it in terms of resistance to mainstream consumerism culture, resistance to cultural expectations or resistance to idea of economic capital as the primary measure of success? Sounds heavy, but can you say it isn't true?
I always knew windsurfers are from their own universe; a special species not only among humans, but also among other sportsmen. It seems that I was right! Read more.
It's not about winning
Talking about competition. Is it about winning? Or, is it about giving the best of you? Or, maybe, about something completly different? My early days in sports were full of competitions. I was on the edge, always on the adrenalin of winning the game. It did not made me happy. I enjoyed more in the beauty of some actions with my team mates, than in pure winning at any cost.
Than I get hooked in windsurfing. And I understood: what I am, and how I am doing, does not have any connections with anybody else, except myself! Wind and the water – that's my team mates. And others with the windsurfing boards and sails – they are my friends. Read more.
What is actually "soulwindsurf"?
The zone is a state of perfect mind/body coordination. The mind is calm, and the body does exactly what is needed to efficiently fulfil the taks. All body and psychological resources are focusedon on only one thing: to maintain complete balance and maximum efficiency.
Under a different name, ancient people talked about the zone, as for example some North American natives who could run hundreds of miles without a breake. Modern marathon runners tell us about the same magical state in which they do not feel effort any more. Michael Jordan in basketball, Pele in football, Martina Navratilova in tennis – these are just a few names of top athletes who own their success to frequent and continuous experience of the zone.
Most windsurfer are recreationists. Top results are not that important to them. The fact that the experience of the zone is connected to an unbelievable pleasant feeling inside – that is what is important! On the subjective level, when you enter the zone, you feel some kind of ecstasy – a great pleasure not known from ordinary experiences. Of course, when you step out of it, you long for it. If you do not experience it for some time, than you feel an even greater urge to feel it again; you want it back and you will do anything to experience it again… Read more.
From 2006. to 2012. a lot of articles about (soul)windsurfing was published in a different on-line format. The archive was available until August 2013., but not any more. However, the core articles are saved and published also here.
Below you may find short descriptions and direct links to selected articles about the idea of "soulwindsurfing". Enjoy!
Soulwindsurf, yoga, meditation and competition
Windsurfers are inclined to understand what is the "soul" component in their sport. It's natural to them to enjoy in it, to feel connected to nature and to be lost in the incredible "flow feeling". However, competitive windsurfers (and other athletes) sometimes think that, if they start to pursue "soul" feelings, that they will lost the edge – literary, that they will have to abandon competition.
In this article, I would like to convince you that this is not true! You can be a soulwindsurfer and, in the same time, very successful athlete. Actually, there is a chance that soul approach will help you improve your results on the sport battlefield! Read more.
Did you ever meet a windsurfer on anti-depressants?
It is a 117 page text, with a lot of science staff, but written well and interesting enough for an average windsurfer to read. The question from the title of this article is from one of the chapters of Wilkinson paper entitled equally interesting: "Who needs money when you can go windsurfing? – The Paradox of Resisting Consumerism Through Consumption in a Lifestyle Sport Subculture".
Fist, I have to say that every (soul)windsurfer will easily recognise the basic description of his or hers obsession with wind. But, how many did think about it in terms of resistance to mainstream consumerism culture, resistance to cultural expectations or resistance to idea of economic capital as the primary measure of success? Sounds heavy, but can you say it isn't true?
I always knew windsurfers are from their own universe; a special species not only among humans, but also among other sportsmen. It seems that I was right! Read more.
It's not about winning
Than I get hooked in windsurfing. And I understood: what I am, and how I am doing, does not have any connections with anybody else, except myself! Wind and the water – that's my team mates. And others with the windsurfing boards and sails – they are my friends. Read more.
What is actually "soulwindsurf"?
Under a different name, ancient people talked about the zone, as for example some North American natives who could run hundreds of miles without a breake. Modern marathon runners tell us about the same magical state in which they do not feel effort any more. Michael Jordan in basketball, Pele in football, Martina Navratilova in tennis – these are just a few names of top athletes who own their success to frequent and continuous experience of the zone.
Most windsurfer are recreationists. Top results are not that important to them. The fact that the experience of the zone is connected to an unbelievable pleasant feeling inside – that is what is important! On the subjective level, when you enter the zone, you feel some kind of ecstasy – a great pleasure not known from ordinary experiences. Of course, when you step out of it, you long for it. If you do not experience it for some time, than you feel an even greater urge to feel it again; you want it back and you will do anything to experience it again… Read more.